
Unauthorized Biography of Muhammad Ali

December 4th, 2008 by | Tags:

This is incredible. I jacked it from Xclusives Zone, major props to Shaun Boothe for doing it.

There are the only two things I like enough to hang as posters on my wall. One is the original art to this:

The other is this.

The man is a superman.

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6 comments to “Unauthorized Biography of Muhammad Ali”

  1. Yes, Muhammad Ali is remarkable. Sadly, I could never have that photo on my wall because of my phobia of people in pictures coming to life and trying to murder me as I sleep. I think I would be able to escape the two out-of-focus impressionist people on one of my old posters, since I would be able to hear the squelch that their globby painted bodies would make as they walked across the room. With Ali, I wouldn’t have a chance.

  2. Also, he would make up disrespectful rhymes as he killed me.

  3. You’re not secretly David Willis are you Esther?

  4. @LurkerWIthout: If only.

  5. That was just…awesome.
    No words.
    You mind if I pass this one around?

  6. Of course, have at it.