New York Con
April 21st, 2008 by david brothers | Tags: New York Comic-conWrap-up coming after work. I’m playing catchup on too many projects right now to do that. I do want to do this, though–

Jubilee Sketch by Julian Lytle, Ghost Rider by Art Balthazar

Static Shock & Blue Beetle Sketch, Harley Quinn sketch by Art again. Virgil and Jaime are signed by Denys Cowan, Dwayne McDuffie, and Michael Davis.

Ron “The Don” Wimberly and Julian “The Hooligan” Lytle. Me and Pedro talked rap with these dudes for like an hour on Friday night, easy. It was nice to meet the guy who drew Sentences and the guy who did this sketch I found last year.
Miscellany: I love how New York City looks. It’s still basically my idea of what a city is. So I took 57 photos of it and put them on flickr. Go scope it.
Oh man, that Ghost Rider is awesome. I’m now sad I missed it. I probably would have come home with a huge stack of $1 sketches.
That Ghost Rider trumps the movie version.
Cool artwork! Glad you enjoy your stay their in New York City, nice photoshoots! 🙂
Why is Static riding a lightning bolt? Shouldn’t be be on a manhole cover?