A Perfect Storm
July 1st, 2007 by david brothers | Tags: black panther, black people, christopher priest, claremont, dwayne mcduffie, fantastic four, Marvel comics, priest, reggie hudlin, storm, x-menSo, uh, yeah, my feelings on Storm are pretty well documented, I think.
It’s almost 4am and I’m doing some writing (for work) and thinking about Storm. I’m thinking about Storm due wholly to this (Manstream) and this (B@N). Also, it’s late, and a Brothers’s mind wanders when it’s late.
Anyway, I had a thought hit me a few minutes ago.
I can think of exactly four black people, all of them men, who have written stories featuring Storm in a lead role. Christopher Priest used her during his Black Panther run, and this link suggests that the issue I’m thinking of was BP #26 in 2000, though I think that was a multi-part story. Reggie Hudlin is using her in Black Panther right now. Eric Jerome Dickey wrote her origin miniseries, Storm in 2006. Dwayne McDuffie is writing her in Fantastic Four right now, while she and T’Challa temporarily replace Reed and Sue. The bulk of Storm’s character development was handled by Chris Claremont and, who, Fabian Nicieza and Scott Lobdell? I know that Claremont had her roped up in X-Treme X-Men for the early ’00s.
Claremont wrote the first meeting of BP and Storm in Marvel Team-Up #100. Priest, who had a plan for Storm to marry BP a few years back, wrote them again in BP #26. EJD expanded on their first meeting in the Storm miniseries, and Hudlin married them in BP (new series) #18.
Over the course of her existence, I can think of exactly one black dude she’s dated, which has really only been handled in any kind of detail in the past, what, three years? Two? Which also happens to coincide nicely with the advent of black people writing her stories.
Which also ties in with the complaints that Storm and Panther are only getting married because they’re black, Storm is out of character, she wouldn’t complain about people dissing her hair, and so on.
There is something here, but I don’t know if I can put my finger on it well enough to articulate it.
Found some images while I was googling up some research for this brief post.

What is up with all these dudes wanting to make Storm their queen? Dr. Doom, this Arkon guy, Dracula, the dude from X-Treme X-Men… dang. What’s she got that Monica Rambeau doesn’t?
edit after five hours of sleep: Please make Scott Eaton, Klaus Janson, and Dean White draw, ink, and color Storm and Panther forever thanks
White hair and blue eyes.
That was ice cold, but true!
“What is up with all these dudes wanting to make Storm their queen? Dr. Doom, this Arkon guy, Dracula, the dude from X-Treme X-Men… dang.”
Pretty sure this happened with some little guy that had an oversized head when the X-Men went to the Savage Land, too. I’d find my trade and check, but frankly I haven’t got a fucking clue where it is.
I think Loki thought the same in the X-Men Annual with Art Adams art.
Ah, I own that in trade, too!
Claremont was really pushing that theme hard, wasn’t he?