Omelet, eggs, etc.
October 25th, 2006 by david brothers | Tags: Batman, black panther, brian azzarello, DC comics, ign, seven soldiers, spoiler, stormThere are probably spoilers for 52 in this picture, so don’t click unless you want to be spoiled and/or absolutely terrified and have nightmares.
It’s a logic problem. How do you turn a ugly asian stereotype into a believable comic character?
You turn him into a hideous freaking death dealing robot machine thing. Holy moley. I thought Egg-fu showing up was just a joke, but this is an insane inversion of my expectations here. Gone are all the stereotypical features, in are robot death arms and a Mojo-mobile. Whoof.
This was kind of an insanely good week for comics. Seven Soldiers #1 was the event comic of forever, Deathblow #1 featured Brian Azzarello sporting a kind of Batman-esque sense of humor to good effect, Loveless #12 was a shock and a half, 52 was good, Black Panther had a great setup and more than a few great Storm moments… good week.
Too bad Wildcats #2 is pushed back to March!
After months of anticipating Seven Soldiers #1, I found myself confused on reading it. Huh. Must reread everything again as I missed something.
Holy shit, new-school Egg Fu is awesome. But now that he no longer has a prehensile moustache, someone else should have that power. It’s a much better villain concept than the Red Hood.