Fourcast! 84: Just Leave Gotham Underground
May 9th, 2011 Posted by david brothers-We’re bringing back You Made Me Read This! for some springtime fun
-I made Esther read Kou Yaginuma’s Twin Spica.
-Esther made me read Frank Tieri and Jim Calafiore’s Gotham Underground.
-It, uh, goes about how you’d expect.
–Twin Spica? Good old fashioned fun.
–Gotham Underground? I bet the parents of everyone involved in that series is ashamed of their children.
-I talked about Gotham Underground on this site in the past, but I’d forgotten about it.
–Twin Spica was one of my favorites of 2010.
-We’re doing another one of these soon, I think.
-If things keep escalating, this’ll be the death of our friendship!
-6th Sense’s 4a.m. Instrumental for the theme music.
-See you, space cowboy!
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