Fourcast! 37: Girlcast II: Girl Comics
March 15th, 2010 Posted by david brothers-I know Esther may not agree, but any list of the top Batgirls that does not include Cassandra Cain at #1 and Yvonne Craig at #2 is simply incorrect!
-6th Sense’s 4a.m. Instrumental for the theme music.
-In honor of Girl Comics #1, we’re talking about… women and comics.
-It’s a pretty wide-ranging discussion, and we loop back around to Girl Comics pretty regularly.
-Lucy Knisley’s Doc Ock strip was a hit.
-Devin Grayson and Emma Rios’s Cyclops and Phoenix story was similarly well-received, if not as awwwwwdorable.
-Toward the end, I talk about Ann Nocenti some more, as I wonder what kind of reception she’d get in these days when feminists run wild all over the blogosphere.
-See you, space cowgirl!
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