Fourcast! 54: Doctor 13 vs Batgirl: Year One
July 19th, 2010 by david brothers | Tags: batgirl, brian azzarello, chuck dixon, cliff chiang, marcos martin, podcasts, scott beatty-Minimal shownotes because it’s currently 0230!
-You Made Me Read This!
-David made Esther read Doctor 13: Architecture and Morality!
-The last page is a killer!
-Esther made David read Batgirl: Year One!
-The dramatic irony is sickening!
-6th Sense’s 4a.m. Instrumental for the theme music.
-See you, space cowboy!
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My favorite of the vampire jokes was Anthro’s “Pourquoi, Vampyre?” Because it only works if you know a bit of French.
IIRC Infectious Lass was created alongside other Legion rejects like Arm-Fall-Off Boy. Probably so that the LoSH could reject some people without seeming like total dicks for once…
The interesting thing is that the missing Infectious Lass ties with the whole “Legionnaires Lost in the Past” thing in the latest Legion books. The Legionnaires are searching for their lost members and Infectious Lass is one of those lost members, whose married to Invisible Kid.
As for Batgirl Year One, does this include the very cheese-cakey issue where she teams up with Catwoman and that BG has to get naked at a strip club in order to beat the bad guy? I’m just curious because that’s one of the oddest issues I’ve ever read with the pulpy-colorful, older-style of art that you talked about in the podcast.