Fourcast! 92: On Newspaper Comics
July 18th, 2011 by david brothers | Tags: bill watterson, george herriman-Believe it or not, newspapers still exist!
-No, really. They do.
-So do newspaper comics.
-Esther and I are going to talk a little (a lot) about the newspaper comics that we liked and disliked while growing up.
-There may be surprises!
-We’re taking a skip week next week on account of I’m going to be in San Diego on our recording day this week and I don’t believe in planning ahead apparently
-not only that, but this week’s podcast was briefly last week’s podcast, hooray
-6th Sense’s 4a.m. Instrumental for the theme music.
-Here comes a new challenger!
-See you, space cowboy!
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Jon’s vanished roommate was Lyman. Outside of Get Fuzzy I’ve given up on newspaper comics. Well, other than reading Comics Curmudgeon…
Also Lockhorns is about the constantly fighting married couple…
@LurkerWithout: We realized that after the podcast was over. There were many slapped foreheads that afternoon.