Fourcast! 97: On Comics And Comedy
October 10th, 2011 by david brothers | Tags: podcasts-We’re talking comics!
-Not comic books. Joke comics. Ha ha ha.
-This ended up being a fairly long conversation, so I split it (roughly) in half.
-We tell some jokes, we talk about some jokes, you know how it goes.
-We talk about tv shows, mainly Louie, 30 Rock, the usual suspects
-6th Sense’s 4a.m. Instrumental for the theme music.
-Here comes a new challenger!
-See you, space cowboy!
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Just curious what your thoughts are about this particular sketch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUkixWUJzPE&feature=player_embedded#!
I’ve seen this live where they go on for 10 minutes and it is both annoying and amazing at the same time. My guess is that David will love it but Esther will hate it. And then when you get to the 2 minute mark, Esther will love it and David would hate it.
@gary: What the hell did I just watch? (Whatever it was, I actually liked the last ten seconds.)
The best is watching it for 10 minutes with an audience. I don’t know why the audience reacts the way it does or why this is funny, but I believe the best explanation comes from this week’s Radiolab, which sort of discusses why it works: http://www.radiolab.org/2011/oct/04/
@gary: That song has been in my head for 24 hours now.