The Cipher 06/03/10
June 3rd, 2010 by david brothers | Tags: cipher, heralds, kathryn immonen, rap, reviews, tonci zonjic
It took every Marvel character to off Thanos. Get a rope, hang yourself… you’ve got less characters than a Twitter post.
I don’t have a lot of comics this week. Captain America/Black Panther marches on and Thanos Imperative gets going. Check a preview of Thanos Imperative here, and then read my Marvel Cosmic recap. Preview Cap/Panther here.
Also notable is the Kathryn Immonen/Tonci Zonjic joint Heralds. Immonen is a delight (read Hellcat, oh wait, you can’t, because it’s a DM-only trade) and Tonci Zonjic is a dope artist. It’s about the return of Frankie Raye, formerly known as Nova and the only character with a cooler name than “Moses Magnum.” I talked a little about Frankie Raye’s demise a couple years ago.
Not comics: The complete boxed set of The Wire is on sale for like 90 bucks on Amazon. I’ve got one episode left on my rewatch of The Shield, so The Wire is looking mighty tempting. Payday is tomorrow, so dare I risk it?
What comics are you buying and what’d you think of them?
I’m with you on Kathryn Immonen and Heralds! I was skeptical at first, having confused Zonjic with Dalibor Talajic and not being interested in reading 5 issues from the man whose art wasn’t anything more than servicable in Van Lente’s Deadpool Team-Up #899 from a while back (with the exception of the goofy last page). Zonjic’s work sure is impressive though. I may have to check out the Marvel Divas tpb if I happen to stumble on a deal. Also, I’d say that Hellcat/Einstein panel would be great This Week in Panels material. Though that whole page is pretty fun really…
Risk it! RISK IT!!!!
The Wire is, hands down, the best TV show I’ve ever seen. You will love it. I bought the box set at Best Buy last year: it was half-off, plus I had some store credit, so I got it for like, 50 bucks. I’m planning on doing a watch-through this summer, if I can get the discs back from my mom. (She’s loving it, too.)
I just started buying Marvel’s cosmic TPBs, starting with the three Annihilation books. They are great, so I’m looking forward to the Thanos story in a couple of years.
@clay: Oh, no, I’ve seen (and loved) The Wire. I just don’t own it. Same with The Shield up until that went on sale about a month back.
Thanos Imperative‘s first issue was great. Just what I wanted to read.
Okay, I just read that Thanos preview. Rocket Raccoon is BAD. ASS. Maybe I need to accelerate my TPB purchasing.
I find The Wire well worth owning.
@clay: What’s also causing trouble is that Homicide, which I haven’t seen, is also on sale for super cheap. Like 60, 70 bucks for a billion DVDs. I may go for that now and hit up The Wire again later, since The Wire is still pretty fresh in my mind.
Honestly–you can probably pick up Thanos Imperative right off the bat. All I’d suggest is grabbing the prelude (Thanos Imperative: Ignition) and going from there. If you’ve read Annihilation, you’ve got the background you need. It may spoil a few stories for you, but nothing in detail. Check it out.
Got Thanos Imperative, last weeks “Ignition” and the latest Power Pack from Marvel. A very high violence issue of Invincible. The Patton Oswalt “Serenity” one-shot about Wash. 2nd issue of iZombie. And the 1st issue of the new “Mouse Guard” anthology mini, has stories by Jeremy Bastian, Ted Naifeh and Alex Sheikman…
Never saw Homicide, but I hear good things. So, yeah, that may be worth getting, especially since you’ve seen The Wire.
And I may be funny this way, but I either get a series monthly, or in book-form. No mixing; I like consistency. So since I started getting the cosmic stuff as books, I can’t jump to the monthly titles now. I don’t mind the wait, usually.