Oh, God Didiamnit.
September 25th, 2009 by Esther Inglis-Arkell | Tags: DC comics, superman/batmanOkay, okay, that’s just a shameless play on his name rather than anything specific that Mister Didio has done, but I recently saw a Newsarama interview with him that included the following quote:
But our plans for Superman/Batman are interesting. Over the next few months, you’re going to see Superman/Batman actually reflecting major events of the past of the DC Universe. We’re going to be building on other stories, other events, using these characters. So you’re going to see an expansion on Superman/Batman’s role in the post-“Emperor Joker’s” world. So you’re going to see effects of “Emperor Joker” in Superman/Batman. As well as “Our Worlds at War”. There are going to be events that we’re going to be filling out there.
So for folks who had fun and enjoyed these big events of the past, we’re going to revisit them in the Superman/Batman book. And expand on the stories of those. And those stories will fit within continuity even more tightly now because they’re written with the current DC Universe in mind.
No! I beg you! Didion’t! One of the reasons I love Superman/Batman is it is a break from continuity and, much of the time, sanity. It’s fun and ridiculous and you don’t have to figure out the timeline or understand anything of the larger universe. That book is its own little island of nuttiness. Leave it pristine! Let nature take its course.
Think of the children!
I’m literally flabergasted that he thinks that anything about Our Worlds At War is worth revisiting. It’s such a shame, Green and Johnson had actually carved out a book worth reading from the pile of garbage that it originally started as.
As well as “Our Worlds at War”.
Isn’t that the event that happened five years ago?! Why go back to it now?
I didn’t follow those events very closely(I’ve only read a few tradepaperbacks from the library of titles that were part of it). I kinda got the impression that they were fairly unimportant and not especially interesting.
Was I right?
@versasovantare: I don’t like them much, but I’m biased, since I don’t like events much. S/B used to be in continuity; it ended the President Lex storyline and introduced Supergirl, but it dropped out, and as far as I’m concerned, was all the better for it. Oh well. I suppose there are ways to make these supplementary stories good. I live in hope.
I’m really puzzled by this move. I mean, I actually like Emperor Joker and Our Worlds at War, but why would anyone want to revisit them like this? And what does “written with the current DC Universe in mind” even mean? It all seems very wrongheaded.
@versasovantare: They weren’t important to the wider DC Universe, but at the time they were very important to the Superman books. Emperor Joker (re)introduced characters such as Bizarro #1 and Ignition, and started the lead up to the revealing of the new General Zod, and OWAW was the cumulation of what had been going on in the Superman books for the year and a half before it.
Interestingly, neither of those two were really DC Universe events, they were Superman events (although OWAW spread out into the wider DCU in the same way Blackest Night is doing now), and, to be specific, they were from the Jeph Loeb/Joe Kelly era.