On Katsuhiro Otomo
May 28th, 2009 by david brothers | Tags: akira, katsuhiro otomo, manga, matthew bradyEarly this week, Matthew Brady linked to a great lecture on Katsuhiro Otomo by Kentaro Takekuma. Click through, give it a read.
I’m a big Otomo fan, in part because Akira was one of the first anime I ever watched. The anime led me to the manga, which led me to the (awesome) colorized Marvel/Epic versions, which in turn led me to the (slightly less awesome) Dark Horse reprints. I’ve got three of the hardbacks Marvel and Dynamite Forces put out in the ’90s, even. I’d love to get the ones I’m missing in hardback form, but finding those seems to be pretty tough.
Kodansha is going to re-release the Akira graphic novels starting in October.
I’ve been trying to get the Akira gns for years now So I’m glad to see that it’s going to be reprinted.