
Hardcore Gamer Magazine

August 20th, 2006 by | Tags: ,

Hey guys, quick note before I pop off to work.

I’ve mentioned that I do games journalism. The most regular work of mine appears monthly in Hardcore Gamer Magazine. It’s available at your local video game store, bookstore, and possibly even newstand. If not, ask for it by name. We offer subscriptions for 25 bucks a year, but you can also download each issue for free in PDF format from Luv2game’s download section. Give it a looksee, it’s a great mag. I’m pretty proud of it, at the very least. The new issue should go live on the site probably later this week. It’s already out on newstands. It’s got Disgaea 2 on the cover and the top-shelf previews and reviews you expect from us.

The name of the mag may or may not be ironic.

I’m going to be redoing my sidebar sometime soon (tonight, depending on how paying work goes) and I’ll be adding a gang of blogs and links to the site. I’d host the mag here, but that’d blow my bandwidth.

Speaking of bandwidth… since November 05, we’ve seen almost 11,500 people come through these doors. We’re averaging between 115-135 people a day now, which certainly sounds respectable to me. It’s enough to give me a happy feeling, anyway. Traffic has spiked over the last couple months, too.

So, guys, seriously. Thanks for coming to the site and keep coming back. I’ll try to keep feeding you content.We’ve got an RSS feed linked off the sidebar and a separate feed for comments as well. There’s also Livejournal syndication. There’s nowhere to go but up, hey? We can make 4l one of the big blogs if we keep at it.

Also, I’m always open to debate, comments, or even chatting. My AIM is ethiopiates, my e-mail is this website’s url (less the www and net) @gmail.com and it’s linked top right… if you don’t want to comment on the site, drop me a line. I’m very approachable and nice to a fault. Did I say something stupid/smart/awesome? Tell me!

That’s my bit of self-promotion for the day. Read 4l, read my mag, and keep on coming back. My promised posts are still in the works, though I may hit you with shorter ones (yeah, ’cause I totally write short posts…) in between.


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4 comments to “Hardcore Gamer Magazine”

  1. *waves the 4thletter! flags*

  2. I’d just like to note that at my Barnes and Noble, last month we sold all but one issue of HGM. And it was the crappy bent copy that everybody got their germs on.

    That’s pretty good, considering we never sell out of any gaming magazines. Even EGM doesn’t sell very well and we give it a better display.

  3. Gavok, you work at a Barnes and Noble? Out of curiosity, how do you decide on where to categorize graphic novels? Their own space? Near sci-fi? Because I’m curious to know if the practice of placing graphic novels between fantasy and sci-fi books is just a Philippine local thing…

  4. For us, sci-fi and fantasy are one joint section next to regular fiction. Graphic novels are at the end of sci-fi/fantasy, sharing a spot with the crapload of manga we get.